10 Things You Need To Know When Moving Out For The First Time

Diana Jones
August 3, 2022
Diana Jones
August 3, 2022

Moving out for the first time can be exciting, but it can also be scary. There are so many things that you need to know when moving out for the first time, and this article covers 10 of them! Whether you're looking to move into your own place or just want to do some research before you take the plunge, this list is a great place to start. Additionally, If you’re looking for a moving company to help you with your move, BoxStar Movers is here to assist you. Call us today at (202) 843-9181 for a free packing services quote. Here is a list of 10 things that you need to know when moving out for the first time:
1. Make sure you have a good understanding of your lease agreement.
It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with your lease agreement before you sign it and move into the apartment. The old saying, "Read the fine print!" couldn't be more true when it comes to leases! Make sure that you are aware of the deadlines for giving notice, how much it will cost to break your lease early and what utilities are included in your rent price. If anything is unclear or you have any questions about the agreement, contact your landlord before signing on the dotted line!
2. Find a place that's close to your work, school, or other places you visit often.
When you are looking for an apartment, it's important to consider the location of your new place. You'll want to make sure that it is close enough to work so that you aren't spending hours in traffic every day! If possible, try and find a place with public transportation nearby as well; this will help cut down on your commute time even more!
Living close to your school or other places you frequent often is important as well. This will make it easier for you to get around without having to worry about spending too much time in transit every day, and it'll also give you the opportunity to spend more money on things like shopping and fun activities rather than gas and parking fees!
3. Be prepared for higher electric bills, gas bills, and water/sewage bills.
Once you move out of your parent's house, don't expect to have the same utilities as before. These bills are typically much higher when living on your own! Make sure that you are aware of what these utility costs will be so that they aren't a surprise after you've already signed up for service at your new place.
Also, don't forget to budget for water, gas, and sewage bills in addition to electricity.
4. Figure out what kind of furniture you'll need - living room, bedroom, kitchen table, etc.
This is one of the biggest challenges that people face when moving out for the first time. You might have all your belongings in boxes, but you suddenly realize there's not much to sit on or sleep on! If you're looking forward to spending a lot of time at home, this could be especially problematic since most furniture isn't cheap and it can be difficult to find quality pieces.
If you know what type of styles and sizes that you're looking for, try shopping Craigslist first before hitting the department stores! You might also consider checking out second-hand furniture stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army; great deals can sometimes be found at these types of places.
5. Replace all your light bulbs with LED lights for energy efficiency and lower power bills.
LED light bulbs are much more energy-efficient than regular incandescent lights, and they last longer too! If you haven't already switched over to LED lighting in your home, this is something that should definitely be on the top of your list when moving into a new place. Replacing all the lightbulbs will help lower your electric bill, and it might even be enough to get you a discount on your next bill!
If that's not good enough, LED lights also last much longer than regular lightbulbs. This means less hassle with changing bulbs throughout the year; one set of LED lights can outlast 20 incandescent bulbs easily, so say goodbye to buying replacements every week!
If you haven't already done so, make sure to replace all your light bulbs with LED lights before moving in and say goodbye to energy bills forever.
6. Know what you can afford
As you start looking for apartments, it's always good to know what your budget is. If you don't have a specific dollar amount in mind, make sure that the apartment rent price fits within your monthly income! Otherwise, moving out will only cause more stress and financial problems down the line.
If you are unsure of how much you can afford, try using a rent affordability calculator to help determine how much you can spend on rent each month.
7. Keep track of all receipts from moving expenses.
As you pack up all your belongings, make sure to keep track of any receipts for expenses related to moving. From boxes and packing materials to movers or even gasoline fuels; if the expense was associated with the move then it should be kept in a safe place. Also, don't forget about any fees that might have been incurred while transferring utilities from your parent's house to your new home.
Writing out a budget is the best way to keep track of all of these expenses, and this can also be useful when you want to file for reimbursement later on down the line! If it wasn't already obvious, moving out for the first time definitely comes with its challenges; but by keeping track of all the paperwork and receipts, you'll be able to avoid any hassles when it comes time to file your income taxes.
9. Determine the type of living space you want.
One of the biggest challenges that people face when moving out for the first time is trying to figure out what kind of living space they want. Do you prefer a house with a big backyard, or do you want an apartment in town? Should your new place be close to work, school, and/or friends so it's easy to get around?
Figuring out the type of living space you want before moving into an apartment can save a lot of stress and hassle in the long run. It's especially important to know what your needs are if you have pets, as most apartments don't allow them.
By knowing exactly what kind of place you're looking for, it'll be much easier to find one that fits your unique tastes and needs.
10. Establish a new routine with grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Moving out for the first time can be very stressful, but it doesn't have to be if you're prepared! The most important things that people forget when moving into a new place are establishing new routines and making sure they don't go broke in the process.
For example, cooking your own meals usually saves money compared to eating out every day, especially if you cook things from scratch. If you're living on your own for the first time it might seem difficult to remember all of these little tips and tricks; but just like anything else in life, repetition is key! Eventually, after a while, it'll become second nature and eventually turn into a routine that will be very hard to break.
Establishing a new routine after moving out can be challenging, but it's definitely worth the hassle; as you'll end up saving money and time in the long run. If you're able to establish these routines before actually moving into your own place, then even better! It is much easier if this step comes naturally rather than being forced, as the latter can create feelings of overwhelming stress and anxiety.
Moving out for the first time is a big deal. There are tons of different little things that you need to know before, during, and after moving into your new place; but these 10 tips should be able to help guide you in the right direction. From budgeting and shopping with food on the mind to making sure everything gets packed up safely; we've covered it all!